Kindle Give-A-Way
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Read more...TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.
What 5 items are top on your holiday wish list this year?
What is your favorite handmade gift you have received?
What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?
What was the best holiday gift you received as a child?
What items are top on your kids wish list this year?
What is your favorite holiday food?
What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?
What is your favorite holiday movie?
Favorite holiday song?
Favorite holiday pastime?
Lonny Magazine is a brand new webzine brainchild from creators Michelle and Patrick Cline. In the tradition of Domino it is a well thought out publication full of beautiful homes, design inspiration, and well written articles.
It is hard to be employed these days. People are scared. Markets are unstable and people are worried about losing their jobs.
I think employers should institute a workplace confessional where managers act as the priests and listen to the concerns of their workers. It would alleviate a lot of the tension and allow people to vent, which in turn would make them more productive.
I would recommend listening to the interview with Karen Armstrong on NPR's Fresh Air. It is such an intelligent refreshing view on religion. Something I haven't heard in a long while.
I am going to head over to Amazon and buy the book.
I was listening to NPR's Fresh Air with guest journalist T.R. Reid who wrote the book The Healing of America.
I stumbled upon this cute little site that will take a RSS feed or any other text sample and create an instant piece of word art.
Take a look at my little masterpiece...
Found that a niece has Swine Flu. Apparently it is raging through their school. She is going to be fine. I just wonder if this is a taste of what flu season is going to be like...
Regardless, tis the season for washing hands...
I have been a fan of Barbara Kingsolver ever since I read the Poisonwood Bible. After I finished reading that book (one of my favorites) I went in search of her other works. I was surprised to find a wide array of books that were very different from each other. I often read multiple works by one author. She is the first one who seems to take on a distinctly different voice for each book.
This sort of reminds me of myself. I have such diverse interests that continually evolve. If I wrote a book today and one five years from now, I am not sure they would recognize each other.
That is why I am so excited to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
Maybe I will get motivated to plant even more in my garden...
I took the kiddies to see Night at the Museum 2 this weekend. We went to the Smithsonian earlier this year, so I thought they would get a kick out of seeing all of the places they visited on the big screen. I was prepared to kick back and try and not take a nap and that is what I did for the most part. But I must say, Amy Adams, the actress who plays Amelia Earhart was just darling. She is quite beautiful and I loved her hair and makeup. I was pleased to learn that she also plays Julie in the new film Julie and Julia based on Julie Powell's blog which also features Meryl Streep. I am reading the book now and plan on taking a girls night out for the movie.
I am typing my to do list for this weekend. School is about to start and I want to get a lot done. I want to paint, re-arrange, do a 100 loads of laundry (slight exaggeration), cook, mop, vacuum, hang curtains, garden, cut grass, work on freelance. As I was writing TO-DO, I changed it to Accomplishments to come. It sounds much better, does it not?
It makes me want to do everything at once. Please step aside while I conquer this list. Thank you...
Great find at the thrift store. The Masterpiece game-an Art Auction game. Apparently it was all the rage in the 70's. It still has all of the pieces and is in mint condition. It even came with these great postcards of famous paintings. Can't wait to play it. It is the inspiration for the game night I am hosting this weekend. Want to come?
I am turning into a big Nurse Jackie fan. The writing is great and Edie Falco does a superb job. I was watching the latest episode and there was a scene that made me howl with laughter. Edie is teaching a temp nurse how to do something on the computer and she tells him to push F8.
I deal with a lot of people who check their technical skills at the door when they come to work everyday. I know have a new name for those episodes--A F8 moment.
I have a problem. I will be the first to admit it. I love a bargain. I love thrift stores. I love 75% off sales. Maybe it paying less for something OR maybe it's the thrill of the hunt. Either way, I can't go long without a fix.
So, we were at Lowe's tonight buying supplies for ripping out the carpet when I spotted the oops shelf in the paint section. I have been wrestling with paint colors for sometime...
I ended up buying 2 gallons of paint for less than $20. I got a great deal and the colors are fantastic.
Fresh Linen and a great red. I will post pictures as the drama unfolds.
I have been noticing that Hannah's bangs look uneven and little twigs of hair seem to multiply all over her head. I finally found her STASH of scissors. When I asked her about it, she started looking indignant and pouty and said: "but mom, you don't understand." All this from a 3 year old.
Today we acquired a new member of the family. His name is Moses. He is a cute little beagle.
I found him today at the office. He was milling around the parking lot and almost went on the interstate. When I found out that they were going to call Animal control, I decided to take him home. The kids are in love.
Of course, if we find out that someone is looking for him we will have to return him... But until then we are happy to keep an eye on him.
I was searching for local merchants on Etsy and found this wonderful shop: GeoBubStudios.
From their shop profile:
Everything here is handmade by us, Deb and George. Our glazes are also all our own formulations. We use only the highest quality porcelain clay, imported from England. Porcelain is the hardest and most durable of all clays after it's been fired, while at the same time it has a delicate, fine-grained appearance. All of our porcelain pieces are completely safe for food and will go in the dishwasher and microwave.
Lately, I have felt that I am literally, living for the weekend. Meaning I postpone anything of personal importance till the weekend. This has got to stop. I must reclaim my Monday-Friday.
I thought of a few things that might help me in my goal...
1. Reclaim my lunch hour. No more spending my lunch hour in front of my computer, working...
2. Make more lists. Lists are my own personal compass. They help me get things done. Nothing feels better than crossing something off a list...
3. Making dinner. Take out are two words that need to eliminated from my vocabulary.
4. Exercise. I am going to commit to waking every morning and doing Yoga. It makes me feel so much better. Why do I skip this?
My husband and I were watching the new Sci Fi show, Warehouse 13 and he explained the whole genre of SteamPunk. I love this stuff. It evokes feelings of Victorian drawing rooms and Hellboy.
So, I took to the intraweb to see what I could find... Take a look at these great Steampunk gadgets posted by Toxel.
Apparently, there are tons of other cool things you can make like A Victorian RV:The RV used to be a school bus. Check it out at Steampunk Workshop
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Robert Kenner | |||| | ||||
We made a trip to the Asheville Farmer's Market and Oliver found this wonderful lap harp. I think I might have to buy him one.
A little lady bug
Snakes in the grass
The waterfall was absolutely beautiful. It is over 400 feet high. While we were there, a woman told me that a young toddler fell off the top of the waterfall and died last year. What a tragedy. It didn't help that my toddler (ok she is a little bit bigger than a toddler) was running around with no concept of sharp rocks...
The best thing about Mother's Day is being a mother.
I am hesitant to share this, but I have a little crush on a fellow by the name of Ira. Ira Glass, that is. There is something about his honeycomb voice. Or maybe it is thick, black glasses. I don't know what it is exactly, but everytime I hear his voice it makes my married, professional with 2 beautiful children heart skip a beat.