Monday, August 10, 2009

Amy Adams

I took the kiddies to see Night at the Museum 2 this weekend. We went to the Smithsonian earlier this year, so I thought they would get a kick out of seeing all of the places they visited on the big screen. I was prepared to kick back and try and not take a nap and that is what I did for the most part. But I must say, Amy Adams, the actress who plays Amelia Earhart was just darling. She is quite beautiful and I loved her hair and makeup. I was pleased to learn that she also plays Julie in the new film Julie and Julia based on Julie Powell's blog which also features Meryl Streep. I am reading the book now and plan on taking a girls night out for the movie.

Don't you love the hair cut above? I am going to print this out and make my hair stylist do that for me!

She really is beautiful!

Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart above

Amy Adams as Julie above