Hannah climbing the rocks
Looking Glass Falls
Looking Glass Falls
We had a wonderful time camping even if we were asked to leave. Well, maybe I should rephrase that... the 2 teenagers we foolishly invited to join us, were asked to leave. It seems they helped themselves to the contents of the lost and found. Hmm. maybe I should have thought more about what inviting children that aren't biologically ours would mean. Next time, I promise myself, I will adhere to the 2 moves ahead rule--life is like a chess game... Each time we go camping we learn a few things that make the next trip easier.
Some things we learned from this camping trip:
Don't bring teenagers
Bring fire wood
Bring metal grate for fire
Easier snacks...
Bring floaties
More bug spray
More folding chairs
We went tubing, which was great fun. Who knew there was a great place no too far from our house. We plan to buy our own tubes and go more often. Oliver loved it.
We are deciding whether or not we are going to the beach this weekend. I still haven't decided. I think it might turn out to be a last minute decision...
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